
  • Losing a Child,  Uncategorized

    A Stillbirth Is Still A Birth

    Probably one of the biggest unknowns about someone who has a stillborn baby is that delivery and all the recovery afterward is still the same even though you go home without a baby.  Don’t worry because had I not had a stillborn baby, I probably wouldn’t know this either. The truth is a stillbirth is still a birth.   The doctor determined my baby no longer had a heartbeat and gave me two options:1.  Go home and wait for things to happen naturally  2.  Go to the hospital I was an hour from home with a friend and had nothing but my purse; however, I couldn’t bear the thought of…

  • Actions for others,  Uncategorized

    No Excuses in the Present

    We lost one of my favorite people in Chris’s family this month.  Mac Pritchett was not only Chris’s uncle but he was our next door neighbor.  When I worked in Martin, Uncle Mac frequently stopped by to visit and share a cup of coffee.  Uncle Mac loved to share his photographs with his family and friends.  I am blessed that his photographs are throughout my house and office.  Uncle Mac had been in a few different healthcare facilities over the last few months and he was blessed to have lots of people frequently visit him.  I’m embarrassed to say I never visited him because I was “too busy”. I thought…

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    Be a BR

    Sometimes you need a slight push to help you get out of a rut.  I was in this very place with my blog.  I have over 40 blogs started in “DRAFT” status but have taken a brief hiatus from my blog.  I guess the new wore off or maybe I worried people thought all I posted was doom & gloom death stuff or maybe I felt I wasn’t being effective enough.  Whatever the reason, I have been struggling and praying to God that if it’s his will for me to start back with my blog to help me find the words. It is so easy to doubt ourselves and talk…

  • Losing a Child,  Losing a Parent,  Uncategorized,  When You Are Grieving

    It’s Ok to Ask for Help

    When I lost my sister, I was only 22.  That is barely an adult in many measures of the term.  I had just graduated from college and had been working less than 1 month as a real, full-time employee.  This was the first major loss I had experienced.  Chris and I had been dating about 2 years, and I can’t even explain how wonderful he was to be by my side.  I was overcome with emotions.  There were many days when I cried, cried, and cried some more.  Becky and I were very close.  We were alike in may ways.  She was big sister, my protector, and friend.  She was…

  • Bible Verses to Comfort,  How to Comfort Someone in Grief,  Uncategorized

    How Are You Doing?

    I went to the doctor recently and on the way out, he said “Call me if you’re not better by Thursday.”  I am blessed with a truly good and caring Doctor but even as good as he is, he cannot fix everything.  Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a cocktail shot you could take to make a broken heart better in a matter of days?  While there is medicine you can take, books you can read, exercises you can do, none of these items are a cure for grief. There is a huge misconception that time heals grief and after a short amount of time, someone is miraculously better. …

  • Uncategorized

    Life is Like a Cherry Tree

    You may have noticed the cover image on my blog is a field of cherry trees.  The reason I chose this image was based on an article I found a few years ago about the significance of the cherry tree in Japanese culture. “The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It’s a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year in brilliant force, they serve as a visual reminder of…

  • Uncategorized

    Where is the Body?

    Many parents use the term “potty” when talking to young children.  In fact, some people say it so much that it is easy to forget there are other names for this important room.  A word of advice, never, ever ask where the “potty” is while attending a funeral visitation.  At my dad’s visitation, I had someone ask, “Where is the potty”?  Maybe it was because we were at a funeral that my ears deceived me.  What I heard was “Where is the body”?  I found this a rather odd question given that I was standing in close proximity to the casket; however, I obliged and gently pointed toward the casket.…