How to Comfort Someone in Grief
Ten Out of the Box “Happies”
People struggle with what to give someone who is grieving or going through a tough time. I have compiled 10 great out of the box “happies” that hopefully will help you the next time you are struggling with what to give someone to let them know you’re thinking of them. Out of the blue box- this is a really neat idea. Give someone a “box out of the blue to let you know we’re thinking about you” or “a box out of the blue to let you know we love you”. The idea here is everything in the box has to be blue- could be blue packaged gum, blue jello, blue…
When the Rubber Meets the Road
When we were sent to the hospital to deliver our stillborn baby, I had nothing more than my purse and the clothes on my back. I had 3 very good friends who quickly came to my aide. Apparently all I asked for was a toothbrush. My friends are like me, they needed jobs to do; however, I wasn’t in a state to assign them. Luckily, they got creative and took charge for me. One friend went and got comfortable clothes from Target for Chris & myself. Two of my friends went to my house and got all the necessities- clothes, outfit for the baby (luckily I had just gotten that…
Let Me Know if You Need Anything- Part 1
Death is something few want to talk about but ironically, we are all forced to talk about it at some point or points in our life. Let’s face it, if it were a comfortable conversation, then something would be wrong with us. Sometimes what we don’t understand is often the most awkward thing to deal with. Death is no different. When someone dies especially in a tragic situation, the next of kin literally have the breath taken out of them. In a tragic situation, you don’t have time to get things in order. Usually, you have little to no time to prepare. This is why the next of kin need…
How Are You Doing?
I went to the doctor recently and on the way out, he said “Call me if you’re not better by Thursday.” I am blessed with a truly good and caring Doctor but even as good as he is, he cannot fix everything. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a cocktail shot you could take to make a broken heart better in a matter of days? While there is medicine you can take, books you can read, exercises you can do, none of these items are a cure for grief. There is a huge misconception that time heals grief and after a short amount of time, someone is miraculously better. …
I Know How You Feel…
I know how you feel… Let’s erase those words from our go to answers for someone dealing with grief. While it’s our natural answer to show compassion, most of the time, we really don’t know how someone feels. Don’t tell your own story in a way that you try to justify why you know how someone feels. Each of us were uniquely made which means we all experience different emotions and feelings. Along with this, each loss is different because of a 1001 circumstances. And, at the end of the day, we all handle loss differently. Losing a sibling vs. losing a parent, vs. losing a grandparent all “feel” different and…
Be a Lemonade Maker in 2018
What defines a person? I don’t believe the cards we are dealt in live define us. I believe how we play the cards is what truly defines us. I’ve always had a passion to help others, and since March 8, 2014, I’ve had a personal bucket list item to start a blog. I purchased the domain name and started and stopped various blogs more times than I care to count. Now that 2017 is coming to a close, I decided to finally put this plan into action and to find a way to make lemonade out of the lemons in my life. I love water with fresh lemons. When I buy…